Disastrous Results of Too Much Draw Weight

Seeing a guy draw back a bow with an 80# draw weight is impressive. It’s even more impressive when he actually punches out the bullseye of a target using said bow. While that is great for him, it may not be practical for you.

Recently, I was talking to a co-worker and he asked if I was still into archery and bowhunting. He mentioned that he had wanted to get into it years ago, but he had the draw weight on his bow cranked up way too high and he torqued his shoulder. After that he set the bow down and never picked it up again. That was nearly thirty years ago! I was immediately saddened, but then thought that this would be something to share with all of you so you don’t make the same mistake.

An 80# draw weight is great for some African game, and works for some archers, but let’s be honest, for most North American game 50-70# is plenty to kill anything with a well placed shot. Our ancestors were dropping animals with sticks and rawhide and my money is that they weren’t focused on draw weight, but instead accuracy and bringing down the animal they were aiming for.

Many bows will perform at their peak draw weight, but that doesn’t mean you HAVE to set it that high. Take my PSE DNA compound bow for example. I have the 70# limbs on it, but I only shoot 65#. That is plenty for me and I don’t see it changing anytime soon. Guys ask me why I don’t crank it up and I tell them I plan on being able to shoot consistently and comfortably. I have set it to 70# before and I wasn’t shooting often enough to keep it up high. Once I dropped it down to 65# I was on the money and have been ever since. Each person shoots differently and I encourage you to shoot what you are capable of. Don’t let what others say sway you. Stay within your ability and not only will you be able to shoot longer and remain focused, but you will also enjoy archery even more!

Now get out and shoot!

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