Weekend Hog Hunt Recap

If you followed my tweets last Friday, you would know I ventured out on public land in search of the ever elusive feral pig. The day seemed to drag on as I could not get hunting out of my brain! Once I was out of the office, I met up with my buddy Chris and we hit the road.

Some close range practice the night before. (Sorry for the crappy pic.)

After getting stuck in Friday traffic we made it to our spot and set up. The blind was between a bedding area and a feeding area, so we were attempting to intercept them. There were plenty of tracks going to and fro, so we figured it would be a good set up. The full moon played with us though.

As shooting light waned, we put our bows away and began quietly packing up. As Chris packed up the blind, the trees in front of us erupted with the sounds hoof prints and squealing. The pigs had indeed been traveling from the bedding to their food source, but had stopped before crossing where we anticipated them to go. We figure they either spotted us or were waiting to cross after the moon had risen. Either way, we didn’t release any arrows, but our hearts were pounding after they took off!

We know we have a good area to hunt them, but have to give it some time to allow them to settle down. It was an exciting evening hunt!

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