Half of Hunters Facing Access Restrictions Spend Less Time in Field
I was reviewing some older emails from outdoor sources when I came across this article from The Outdoor Wire. It’s based on a survey about hunting access.
FERNANDINA BEACH, Fla. – Nearly half of the hunters who were restricted from places they tried to hunt reported they hunted less as a result, according to a recent HunterSurvey.com poll.

HunterSurvey.com results show 26 percent of those surveyed said access to where they hunt has been restricted in the past year. Of those respondents, 49.5 percent said they spent less time hunting while nearly 13 percent stopped hunting completely. This online poll also showed 36 percent of those who were restricted from where they hunt lost no time afield.

The majority (31 percent) of those polled at HunterSurvey.com reported the reason for restricted access to their hunting spot was the landowner gave or leased or sold hunting rights to others. Another 25 percent of survey takers said the land was sold to a new owner who closed access.

Restricted access occurred mainly on private lands, according to 73 percent of those who participated in the HunterSurvey.com poll while 22 percent reported restricted access on public land.

Being restricted sucks, but it isn’t an end-all. While I hate the fact that people, government and companies are constantly trying to block our way I see it as a challenge. By doing some research I found some public areas around SoCal that are great for hunting. What’s the catch, right? Well, you can’t glass from your truck, that’s what. You actually have to get the boots on,  bring good optics and trek in. It can be a long, boring hike or you can make it your own personal adventure. I recommend the latter. Make it fun! Think of it this way, if you make it fun, take notes and photos and find a great spot you that much closer to bagging your animal. If you do get your animal, think of the story you’ll have to share. We all love to tell them and we all love to hear them!
If you let the brick wall stand in your way you will never achieve your goal. (For some good reading and a boost to get you motivated for your big hunt or doing what you love, read The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch. This book inspired me. It’s an easy read and I don’t let obstacles stand in my way anymore.) 

Get out there and plan your hunt. You can do anything you put your mind to. Hunting public land is hard, but the reward is that much sweeter.

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